Friday, February 26, 2010

Paper by Ahmad Karsidi

This post has different with other my post. My friend, Ahmad Karsidi, request me to post his paper into my blog. So I post it for you all.

The Role of Forest Ecology(Forestry Education)

By entering the advanced of global era, the development of forestry growth rapidly. Not only bounded in domestic area, but also take a role in global part. Now days environment issues has become a hot topic to talk and it makes forest in front position as a future hope gene to look for a solution. But in developing process,its not easy to realize. In the fact,environment problem mostly caused by decreasing forest field with developing of infrastructure rate for developing country. Forest as a lung of the earth has been forgotten its function just like a lungs of humans organ.

If we could see both of the fact that contrary to each other smarter, it’s not only could be problem but also challenge. Like problem with its solution.where the problem is wide area of forest is decreasing and the challenge is described with how to stop and andure the velocity or rate of decreasing forest and keep it sutainable. Forestry science is an explaination how to connect both of this matter to be something that affect each other then certainly involving forester into its processes,especially a young forester. Forester's role as one of panel who have big contribution on forestry sector at once as a good sprout from current generation need forestry education and capacity added.Its supposed to prepare early and properly to face the next bigger problem.

Learning from the past,experience theory readness and practice to face the forest challenge for the future is very require to unity between mankind and their nature, its called ecology. Theoriticaly ecology definition is science that learning relationship between living organism and their environment.Other definition said that the set of relation ship of particular organism with its environment.In another side said that humans role to understand a right relation ship between human and their environment. From this understanding of ecology, it is supposed to determine that a right and wise treatment for managing forest so created a match and good relation ship between forest and society. Forest ecology is a basic science in forestry science explained that forest is a part of world ecosystem component and if it were not in balance condition,it will affect work stability another one/other component.Its just like a circle chains lost its one part chain. By understanding ecology we able to know what we have to do to the forest, a right technology treatment with no lose out and what the created effect by unstability ecosystem. Ecology is supposed to be an effective solution By approaching system.

Indonesia's forest as one of asset that relevance with a lot of side in different level, local, national, even international. To keep its sustainability certainly required our responsibility together. In more specific case, forester’s role as generation who have quite education skill must take apart further. In other side forester also supposed to build and repair for a new image of forestry from domestic until global. Because of Indonesia forestry image becoming worse, Indonesia with high rate of degradation and deforestation included as one of the biggest emitter in the world.Other problem here is Indonesia has bad global diplomatic skill in facing so many biodiversity and environment issues on international forum. In any time Indonesia can not build a good communication and good cover about its work achievement. And it impact the international public perception fulled by negative image/perception.

Facing forest and forestry indonesia’s image in complex and hard situation, certainly formal and informal education in forestry sector is very important role to fix/repair its quality. Science from forestry study is including how to build a good image better of forest and forestry. It also support our country as a developed country. IFSA is the only association aimed to enrich formal forestry education,international coorperation and networking among its member and from other professional work partner, its also a good media for indonesia’s forester to enrich forestry education especially communication building and making decision (by following converence as observer), how to negotiate,etc.One of the advantage from this symponsium is it can be media learning to increase diplomatic capacity skill.All the things above are a part of forestry education from theory until practice and other problem that supposed to be more focus is how to conserve indonesia’s forest field to keep its sustainability(also increasing a mount of its quantity and quality) so chance and challenge could be balanced with forestry education quality.

by: Ahmad Karsidi [Forest Product Technology 2009 and IFSA's (International Forestry Student Association) member]

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